Presenting a talk at Pafa
Section outside of Pafa, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in the Lenfest Plaza. Seen here is an art sculpture created by artist and Pafa alum Jordan Griska called the Grumman Greenhouse. The greenhouse grows nutritive and medicinal plants for the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society.
Today is quite an exciting and a bit of an anxious day. I will be presenting Simplpost and the importance of controlling your online presence along side the founder of Simplpost Michael Riley and extremely talented artist Maria Teicher.
Simplpost is a website, store and blogging platform created by the founder Michael Riley and myself.
This will be my first artist talk at a place of higher learning. I hope this will be the beginning of giving many more talks at universities. I am completely estactic and nervous that today will be my first official talk.
I've of course had to speak at the colleges I've attended but it was usually to stand up in front of my class to give a presentation. And when I was an orientation leader for incoming graduate students at Pafa.
I am completely excited and nervous. New faces, maybe some I recognize probably not. All those old new student feelings come in to play. Regardless if I get red-faced and sweaty I am so excited to present vital information to students who may have some time left and others who will be graduating soon. So I must say I feel tremendously good providing valuable tools and information!
Here is the information of the Talk today. Check back tomorrow for a more in-depth look.
Tuesday, April 22 11:45-1
Cohen Board Room, 3rd Floor
Designing Your Own Website with Simplpost
Presented by Jes Gamble, Michael Riley and Maria Teicher
This workshop will introduce students to the basics of constructing a website using a new tool developed by a company sensitive to the artist’s needs. In addition, Maria Teicher will outline the ways in which artists can leverage social media to promote their careers.
Designing Your Own Website with Simplpost
Presented by Jes Gamble, Michael Riley and Maria Teicher
This workshop will introduce students to the basics of constructing a website using a new tool developed by a company sensitive to the artist’s needs. In addition, Maria Teicher will outline the ways in which artists can leverage social media to promote their careers.